WorldWide Drilling Resource

It’s All About Drilling and Everything it Takes to Finish the Job Your WWDR Team President - CEO - Managing Publisher: Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones Office Administrator: Michele Stevens Representative: Marie Cunningham Public Relations Professional / Classified: Linda Peterson Editor: Bonnie Love Public Relations Professional / Display: Sheryl Kevilly Vice President: Troy S. Cunningham WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2025 Marketing Guide Editorial Assistant: Sophia Henline Look for Special Representatives “on the trail”

E-News Flash Tower ads WorldWide Business Directory™ “Quality Packers You Can Count On” Mechanical Inflatable Wireline Straddle Environmental Geotechnical Mining Grout Packers Packer Parts Custom Design 855-546-6488 6707 Netherlands Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 O M 919 694 1114 *2005 512 789 9709 E I Mike Epley Drilling Sales Manager Association Need Help? 850-547-0102 - Ronnie Samples WorldWide Pinpointer Maps Linda, Thank you for reaching out, it's good to hear from you. Our business is permanently closed and as such has no need for advertising, but we do appreciate the visibility you helped us achieve over the years. Our thanks to you and everyone at WorldWide Drilling Resource® for your work with us. Kind Regards, Mark Colorado

2025 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Menu of Opportunities MIX ‘N MATCH - Spread out your BRANDING. Be visible with WWDR’s fantastic editorial opportunities while you are visible constantly in print, online, and through direct Inbox mailing. Mix ‘N Match any advertising offers with any other offers to reach your desired 3- 6- or 12-time rate. Our public relations professionals will provide suggestions and work with you every step of the way. E-News Flash - INBOX Distribution: In between print issues of WorldWide Drilling Resource®, E-NewsFlash by WorldWide Drilling Resource® (newsletter) with new articles that missed the print issue, hits approximately 7000 inboxes the world over. You can too, with TOWER ADVERTISEMENTS . . . FREE LINK! (170 pixels wide up to 354 pixels high, 96 dpi). WorldWide Business Directory™ - Sensational way to keep your name visible all year long. A full 12 months’ worth of ads for only $1008 total (prepaid). Just send us a business card - we do the rest. Don’t have a business card? No Problem! We’ll design a business card ad for you to use in this fantastic advertising opportunity. FREE LINK! PINPOINTER MAP(S) - Special events have special maps. The map actually points to your location on the exhibit floor - from your own mini advertisement on the circumference of the map. The ad is prepared by us in a certain format - presenting your logo, telephone number, and website. This map appears in the issue prior to the event in print, online (with links), AND distributed at the event(s). ON-SITE COVERAGE - Events, Your Facility, and More. Call for rates - “Have Camera ~ Will Travel!” “Have Camera ~ Will Travel!” 850-547-0102 850-547-0102 BUYERS MEET SELLERS - A special section appearing in our December print issue, has your advertisement(s) (prepared by our professional staff) appearing in a prominent space under your chosen category. It also appears ONLINE for 12 full months. BONUS - These are hand-carried in LAMINATED BOOKLETS to events for distribution throughout the year. ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES ALTERNATING WEB BANNER - Placement on the home page of the WWDR website for a month. Ad measurements - 70 pixels high up to 350 pixels wide, 96 dpi - FREE LINK! SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT SPACE - call for quote. FREE LINK! BUYERS MEET SELLERS - A mirror of the December print issue special section appears online for a full 12 months - December through November. If you missed the print issue - jump in any time (regular rate applies) - FREE LINK! Rates See Next Page for Rates $75 $1008 (prepaid) $200 advertisers $225 nonadvertisers Call for Quote $300 advertisers $325 nonadvertisers $182 Call for Quote $300 advertisers $325 nonadvertisers DISPLAY ADS - All Sizes, Full Color, and Black and White Located in the Main Body of the Magazine. CLASSIFIED ADS - All Sizes, Line Ads and Display Ads Located in the Back of the Magazine.

2025 WorldWide Drilling Resou Special Position? (Particular page in magazine.) Call for availability. Price $200 additional per Advertisements prepared FREE as a courtesy to our customers become the property of World reproduced or used in any other magazine, website, or venue of a competitive nature with Wor written permission. ~ Contact the management for permission to use the advertisement elsewhe Reverse type is acceptable, but should not be less than ten point and then only be reversed in areas value. Grayscale or CMYK color color only. RGB color formats do not print correctly and may modify yo Black type MUST BE 100% black for clarity in printing; deviations will put hazes around the w responsible if not sent properly. Material may be e-mailed directly to us or sent via DropBox. NOTE: Photographs, logos, or any other illustrations to be used in preparation of ads by o high resolution with a minimum of 300 dpi, saved as JPEG, TIFF, EPS, PSD, or PDF files. PC Any deviations from these specifications must be agreed upon by the management of Wor Deadline Dates: Space reservation by the 25th day of the month prior to the preceding month of th January issue). When WorldWide Drilling Resource® provides ad preparation FREE it is due no later th month of the issue to allow sufficient time to prepare the ad to your specifications and receive your a agencies must be received by the first of the month prior to the issue month. (If these dates fall on a w will revert to an earlier time). FULL COLOR (No Spot Color Rates) ~ Per Insertion RUN Full Two-Thirds Half Third Fourth Sixth 12X $2209 $1863 $1559 $1265 $998 $607 6X $2425 $2079 $1819 $1474 $1083 $738 3X $2685 $2253 $2079 $1689 $1343 $953 1X $2945 $2591 $2339 $1905 $1647 $1127 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ C Text Line Ads - 4-line minimum: 1X = $12.50 per line - $50.00 minimum 3X = 6X = $11.50 per line - $46.00 minimum 12X Color? Add $5.00 per i Classified Display (photo, logo, box / border) - per column inch: 1X = $80.00 per column inch 3X = $78.00 per column inch 6X = $76.00 per column inch 12X = $74.00 per column inch Add Color to 1x, 3x, or 6x ads for $26.25; 12X ads = $15.75 All classified ads must be paid in advance. We gladly accept American Express, Discover, M Both color and black & white text ads and display classified ads are accepted. Call 850-547-0102 for Attention 6X & 12X advertisers! Use a check to prepay for your entire run of a All Rates su ATTENTION ADVERTISING AGENCY Please add your fees to these rates The deadline for month prior to the 1st is the deadline No Rate Increase!

Ad Dimensions: urce® Display Ad Rates Front Cover 8.75” W x 8.25” H page, per insertion. dWide Drilling Resource® and may not be rldWide Drilling Resource® without explicit ere. s having at least 70% black, magenta, or cyan our intended image. words and make them illegible. WWDR not our production department must be clear, FORMAT ONLY. rldWide Drilling Resource®. he issue (for example, November 25th for the han the 27th of the month prior to the preceding approval. Advertising material prepared by ad weekend or during holiday schedule the dates One-Half Horizontal 7” W x 4.75” H Back Cover 8.75” W x 11.25” H Full Page 7” W x 10” H Full Page Bleed 8.75” W x 11.25” H One-Half Vertical 3.5” W x 10” H One-Half Island 4.75” W x 7.25” H One-Third Horizontal 7” W x 3.15” H One-Third Square 4.75” W x 4.75” H One-Sixth Vertical 2.25” W x 5.0” H One-Quarter Horizontal 4.75” W x 3.5” H One-Third Vertical 2.25” W x 10” H BLACK & WHITE ~ Per Insertion RUN Third Fourth Sixth 12X $867 $651 $435 6X $1127 $738 $478 3X $1343 $1071 $607 1X $1559 $1301 $781 Two-Thirds 4.75” W x 10” H One-Quarter Vertical 3.5” W x 4.75” H lassified Ad Rates = $12.00 per line - $48.00 minimum X = $11.00 per line - $44.00 minimum nsertion. asterCard, and VISA, as well as checks. r more details! ads, and receive a 10% discount! 2.5 x 4.5 address box ubject to printing and postal rate increases. as no agency commission is possible at these low rates. Thanks for your understanding. r classified listings is the first of the e issue month (for example, December e for the January issue). No Rate Increase!

2025 Editorial Calendar HDD WTR MIN EXB ENV GEO G&O CONST * Please remember, o first opportunity. Subm the year to allow every Missed O We aren’t doing o you promot *Free Hot Off the Press - G or company. Breaking News - C such as a new locati Who’s in the News motion, award, or ne Dealmakers - Celeb Product Spotlight products. E-NewsFlash - Proj no print). Spotlight On - Artic person, or project. Education Connecti events. Planning Ahead - ings, and other indus Editorial Focus - S our monthly focus. GEOTECH Geotechnical Construction Exploration Horizontal Directional Drilling Geothermal Shallow Gas & Oil Blasthole Environmental Irrigation Water Well Wastewater Mining Thank y this public I really enjoy this m it from cover to cover good work!

Interested in submitting editorial content for an upcoming issue? Just send your article or press release to WWDR! Too busy to create an article? Writing abilities a little lacking? DON’T WORRY . . . Simply contact the WWDR Editorial Team and we will work with you to create a professional, interesting article for our publication. Bonnie Love, Editor Bonnie@ Sophia Henline, Editorial Assistant Sophia@ Phone: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 our valued advertisers receive missions are limited throughout yone a chance to participate. Opportunities our job if we don’t help te your business. e Editorial: General news about a product Company announcements, ion, contest, or event. - Employee news, like a prow hire. brate the sale of equipment. - Notice of new or improved ject articles (electronic only - cle spotlighting a company, ion - Seminars and training Trade shows, annual meetstry events. Submit an article based on I really enjoy your magazine. Thank you, Don Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Well Drilling, Inc. Napa, CA Nice work everyone. Very cool! [Women in Drilling feature - October 2022] Kris Oothoudt Operations Manager Hole Products you! Much appreciated receiving ation (E-News Flash). Linda Burson Mazon Associates Irving, TX agazine. I read r. Keep up the Ed Wagner Marathon, TX

Each month, the WWDR Editorial Team creates articles about different aspects o area of the drilling industry each month. We invite you to submit your article ideas Issue: Deadline: Editorial Focus: January 2025 November 15, 2024 EXPLORATION other mineral exp February 2025 December 15, 2024 SHALLOW GAS March 2025 January 15, 2025 GEOTHERMAL April 2025 February 15, 2025 CONSTRUCTIO May 2025 March 15, 2025 ENVIRONMENT June 2025 April 15, 2025 JOB SAFETY ~ July 2025 May 15, 2025 WATER WELL ~ also the pre-JUB August 2025 June 15, 2025 IRRIGATION / W other items need September 2025 July 15, 2025 HISTORY MONT also feature geot October 2025 August 15, 2025 MINING ~ The b this month’s issue November 2025 September 15, 2025 HORIZONTAL D get the job done. December 2025 October 15, 2025 Tools of the Trad Meet Sellers and employees, p More Coverage! Less Cost! WorldWide Drilling Resource®

of the drilling world. In addition to regular content, our Team will also focus on a special s. / BLASTHOLE ~ Bring your explosives, drill pipe, rigs, bits, coring equipment, and ploration and blasting products into full view this month! S AND OIL ~ Fueling the future with gas and oil products. ~ Devices and tools from bits and hammers, to drill pipe, grout, and more. ON ~ What is really used to get the job done? TAL ~ Innovative solutions for environmental drilling projects. Celebrate National Safety Month. Safety products old and new. ~ In addition to water well products and accessories being our focus this month, this is BILEE issue featuring our JUBILEE Pinpointer Map. Act quickly, space is limited. WASTEWATER / DEWATERING ~ Rigs, pumps, grouts, chemicals, fittings, and all the ed for water projects. TH AND GEOTECHNICAL ~ Legends and legacies - a tribute to history. This month will echnical equipment and supplies. ackbone of our daily lives. Mining equipment and instruments are at the forefront of e. DIRECTIONAL DRILLING ~ Rigs, bits, HDD pipe, and all the other tools necessary to This issue also includes our Groundwater Week Pinpointer Map. de ~ Rigs, Hammers, Pumps, and more in this special end-of-the-year Annual Buyers s issue. This is the perfect time to place a special ad to say THANK-YOU to customers plus promote your new products for 2026. Bonus Trade Event Distribution! 2025 Editorial Calendar

2025 Event Listings LOCATION January 1/7 Underground Construction Assn George A Fox Conf New York NY 1/7-1/8 Louisiana Ground Water Assn Annual Convention Marksville LA 1/8-1/10 UGWA Conference & Expo Mesquite NV 1/8-1/10 Wisconsin Water Well Assn Annual Conference Wisconsin Dells WI 1/14-1/15 ESWWDA Annual Meeting Verona NY 1/14-1/16 World Future Energy Summit Abu Dhabi UAE 1/15-1/17 Associated Equip. Distributors (AED) Summit Orlando FL 1/20-1/22 Iowa Geothermal Assn Conference Cedar Rapids IA 1/20-1/23 Assn for Mineral Exploration (AME) Roundup Vancouver BC CANADA 1/20-1/23 World of Concrete Las Vegas NV 1/21-1/26 ISEE (Int'l Soc. Of Explosives Engineers) Cherokee NC 1/22 Idaho Ground Water Assn Annual Convention Garden City ID 1/26-1/28 ADSC Annual Meeting Coronado CA 1/27-1/30 Nevada Water Resources Assn Conf Sparks NV 1/28-1/30 Midwest Energy Solutions Conference Chicago IL 1/28-1/30 TGWA Annual Convention Lubbock TX 1/30-1/31 Iowa Water Well Assn Annual Conference Altoona IA 1/31 South Carolina Ground Water Assn Meeting Columbia SC February 2/3-2/6 Investing in African Mining Indaba Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA 2/4-2/6 Soc. Petroleum Eng. Hydraulic Fracturing Conf The Woodlands TX 2/5-2/7 Maryland Delaware Water Well Assn Conv Annapolis MD 2/6-2/7 IADC Drilling Caspian Conf & Exh Baku AZERBAIJAN 2/6-2/7 Montana Water Well Drillers Conv & Trade Show Helena MT 2/10-2/12 Groundwater Protection Council Policy Meeting Alexandria VA 2/10-2/12 Stanford Geothermal Workshop Stanford CA 2/11-2/13 Nebraska Water Industries Convention Kearney NB 2/13-2/14 Mountain States Ground Water Expo Laughlin NV 2/17-2/18 Louisiana Oil & Gas Assn Annual Meeting Lake Charles LA 2/17-2/20 Water & Wastewater Equipment (WWETT) Indianapolis IN 2/18-2/20 BUILDEXPO Africa Addis Ababa ETHIOPIA 2/18-2/20 Int'l Petroleum Technology Conference Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA 2/19-2/20 IADC Health, Safety, Environment & Training Houston TX 2/19-2/20 Mine Closure Conference Johannesburg SO. AFRICA 2/19-2/20 Virginia Water Well Assn Annual Conference Richmond VA 2/20-2/21 GeoTHERM Expo & Congress Offenburg GERMANY 2/23-2/26 World Gold at MINEXCHANGE Denver CO 2/24-2/28 Rural Water Assn of Utah Conference St. George UT 2/25-2/27 Assn of California Water Agencies D.C. Conference Washington DC 2/25-2/27 The Coal Institute Spring Meeting New Orleans LA 2/28-3/1 Tennessee Water Well Assn Conf. & Trade Show Gatlinburg TN WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2025 Tentative Schedule of Events I have enjoyed your magazine over these years and appreciate you sending it to my company. John Georgia

March 3/2-3/5 Geotechnical Frontiers Louisville KY 3/2-3/5 Prospectors & Developers Assn Conv Toronto ON CANADA 3/4-3/6 Missouri Rural Water Assn Conference Branson MO 3/4-3/6 SMAGUA (water & irrigation) Zaragoza SPAIN 3/4-3/6 Underground Infrastructure Conference Houston TX 3/10-3/14 Concrete Sawing & Drilling Annual Conference San Antonio TX 3/11-3/13 IGSHPA & GAOI Annual Conference Champaign IL 3/11-3/14 Aquatech Amsterdam NETHERLANDS 3/12-3/13 Soc. Petroleum Eng. Canadian Energy Tech. Conf Calgary AB CANADA 3/14-3/15 New England Water Well Assn Marlborough MA 3/16-3/19 Alabama Rural Water Assn Annual Conference Montgomery AL 3/16-3/19 Annual WateReuse Symposium Tampa FL 3/17-3/19 Illinois Water Environment Assn Conference East Peoria IL 3/18-3/21 National Utilities Contractors Assn Meeting Orlando FL 3/25-3/26 IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition Vienna AUSTRIA 3/25-3/26 Soc. Petroleum Eng/ICoTA Well Intervention Conf The Woodlands TX 3/30-4/3 North American Trenchless No-Dig Show Denver CO April 4/7-4/9 SME Minnesota Conference Virginia MN 4/7-4/9 Underground Operators Conference Adelaide AUSTRALIA 4/7-4/10 Common Ground Alliance Conference Orlando FL 4/7-4/13 bauma Munich GERMANY 4/8-4/9 SEDC (Shallow Exploration Drillers Clinic) Sioux Falls SD 4/8-4/10 The Construction Association Convention Columbus OH 4/14-4/18 Soc. Petroleum Eng. OKC Oil & Gas Symposium Oklahoma City OK 4/15-4/16 American Assn Drilling Engineers Tech Conference Midland TX 4/22-4/24 Water Quality Assn Convention Long Beach CA 4/23-4/25 Best in the West Drill & Blast Conference Spearfish SD 4/28-4/30 Williston Petroleum Conference Regina SK CANADA May 5/5-5/7 Ontario Water Works Assn Conf & Trade Show Blue Mountains ON CANADA 5/5-5/8 Offshore Technology Conference Houston TX 5/5-5/8 Pipeline Technology Conference Berlin GERMANY 5/7-5/8 Deep Foundations Institute Piles-Tiebacks-Anchors Durham CT 5/7-5/9 AWWA PacNW Section Conference Boise ID 5/13-5/15 Assn of California Water Agencies Conf & Expo Monterey CA 5/14-5/15 IADC HSE and Sustainability Asia Pacific Bangkok THAILAND 5/15 IADC Drilling Onshore Conference & Exhibition Houston TX 5/18-5/21 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress Anchorage AK 5/19-5/21 New York Rural Water Assn Training & Exhibition Verona NY WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2025 Tentative Schedule of Events Thank you for your personalized service and commitment to the industry. Bill Copeland CVR Energy, Inc. Oklahoma City, OK I love your magazine. Take it on the plane with me all the time for reading material. A good way to find drills of all types. Harley Bradbury Aamcor Utah

May (continued) 5/20-5/22 Alabama Rural Water Assn Gulf Coast Conference Orange Beach AL 5/20-5/22 Global Resources Innovation Expo Brisbane QLD AUSTRALIA 5/21-5/23 DFI-EFFC Int'l Conf on Deep Foundations Bruges BELGIUM 5/28-5/29 West and Central Africa Mining Summit & Expo Accra GHANA 5/28-5/31 Canadian Society Civil Engineering Conf Winnipeg MB CANADA 5/28-6/1 The American Society of Dowsers Conference Saco ME June 6/3-6/5 US Coal Show - Longwall Edition Pittsburgh PA 6/8-6/11 Rapid Excavation and Tunneling Conference Dallas TX 6/10-6/11 IADC World Drilling Conference & Exhibition Amsterdam NETHERLANDS 6/18-6/20 Deep Foundations Institute SuperPile Cleveland OH 6/25-6/26 Digital Transformation in Mining Conference Muldersdrift SOUTH AFRICA 6/29-7/3 Nigerian Oil & Gas Energy Week Abuja NIGERIA July 7/9-7/10 Geotechnica Conference & Exhibition Warwickshire UK 7/13-/15 The Coal Institute Summer Trade Seminar Myrtle Beach SC 7/17 Indep. Oil & Gas Assn New York Golf & BBQ Ellicottville NY 7/26-7/28 South Atlantic JUBILEE Myrtle Beach SC August 8/10-8/13 Application of Computers & Operations in Mining Perth AUSTRALIA 8/20-8/21 The Water Expo Ft. Lauderdale FL September 9/2-9/4 AIMEX (Asia-Pacific Mining) Sydney AUSTRALIA 9/8-9/11 Australasian Exploration Geoscience Conf. Perth AUSTRALIA 9/10-9/14 MATEXPO Kortrijk BELGIUM 9/17-9/18 No-Dig Down Under Melbourne AUSTRALIA 9/17-9/19 Tube Southeast Asia Bangkok THAILAND 9/20-9/23 EFEE World Conference on Explosives and Blasting Krakow POLAND 9/27-10/1 WEFTEC Chicago IL 9/30-10/2 National Drilling Association's DrillExpo Cleveland OH October 10/7-10/9 The Utility Expo Louisville KY 10/21-10/23 Permian Basin International Oil Show Odessa TX November 11/16-11/22 Extraction Meeting & Exhibition Phoenix AZ December 12/9-12/11 Groundwater Week Las Vegas NV Phone: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 Mailing: PO Box 660, Bonifay FL 32425-0660 (Physical: 3089 Northride Lane, Bonifay FL 32425) Copyright 2025, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2025 Tentative Schedule of Events