Ad Dimensions: urce® Display Ad Rates Front Cover 8.75” W x 8.25” H page, per insertion. dWide Drilling Resource® and may not be rldWide Drilling Resource® without explicit ere. s having at least 70% black, magenta, or cyan our intended image. words and make them illegible. WWDR not our production department must be clear, FORMAT ONLY. rldWide Drilling Resource®. he issue (for example, November 25th for the han the 27th of the month prior to the preceding approval. Advertising material prepared by ad weekend or during holiday schedule the dates One-Half Horizontal 7” W x 4.75” H Back Cover 8.75” W x 11.25” H Full Page 7” W x 10” H Full Page Bleed 8.75” W x 11.25” H One-Half Vertical 3.5” W x 10” H One-Half Island 4.75” W x 7.25” H One-Third Horizontal 7” W x 3.15” H One-Third Square 4.75” W x 4.75” H One-Sixth Vertical 2.25” W x 5.0” H One-Quarter Horizontal 4.75” W x 3.5” H One-Third Vertical 2.25” W x 10” H BLACK & WHITE ~ Per Insertion RUN Third Fourth Sixth 12X $867 $651 $435 6X $1127 $738 $478 3X $1343 $1071 $607 1X $1559 $1301 $781 Two-Thirds 4.75” W x 10” H One-Quarter Vertical 3.5” W x 4.75” H lassified Ad Rates = $12.00 per line - $48.00 minimum X = $11.00 per line - $44.00 minimum nsertion. asterCard, and VISA, as well as checks. r more details! ads, and receive a 10% discount! 2.5 x 4.5 address box ubject to printing and postal rate increases. as no agency commission is possible at these low rates. Thanks for your understanding. r classified listings is the first of the e issue month (for example, December e for the January issue). No Rate Increase!