WorldWide Drilling Resource

Interested in submitting editorial content for an upcoming issue? Just send your article or press release to WWDR! Too busy to create an article? Writing abilities a little lacking? DON’T WORRY . . . Simply contact the WWDR Editorial Team and we will work with you to create a professional, interesting article for our publication. Bonnie Love, Editor Bonnie@ Sophia Henline, Editorial Assistant Sophia@ Phone: 850-547-0102 Fax: 850-547-0329 our valued advertisers receive missions are limited throughout yone a chance to participate. Opportunities our job if we don’t help te your business. e Editorial: General news about a product Company announcements, ion, contest, or event. - Employee news, like a prow hire. brate the sale of equipment. - Notice of new or improved ject articles (electronic only - cle spotlighting a company, ion - Seminars and training Trade shows, annual meetstry events. Submit an article based on I really enjoy your magazine. Thank you, Don Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Well Drilling, Inc. Napa, CA Nice work everyone. Very cool! [Women in Drilling feature - October 2022] Kris Oothoudt Operations Manager Hole Products you! Much appreciated receiving ation (E-News Flash). Linda Burson Mazon Associates Irving, TX agazine. I read r. Keep up the Ed Wagner Marathon, TX