of the drilling world. In addition to regular content, our Team will also focus on a special s. / BLASTHOLE ~ Bring your explosives, drill pipe, rigs, bits, coring equipment, and ploration and blasting products into full view this month! S AND OIL ~ Fueling the future with gas and oil products. ~ Devices and tools from bits and hammers, to drill pipe, grout, and more. ON ~ What is really used to get the job done? TAL ~ Innovative solutions for environmental drilling projects. Celebrate National Safety Month. Safety products old and new. ~ In addition to water well products and accessories being our focus this month, this is BILEE issue featuring our JUBILEE Pinpointer Map. Act quickly, space is limited. WASTEWATER / DEWATERING ~ Rigs, pumps, grouts, chemicals, fittings, and all the ed for water projects. TH AND GEOTECHNICAL ~ Legends and legacies - a tribute to history. This month will echnical equipment and supplies. ackbone of our daily lives. Mining equipment and instruments are at the forefront of e. DIRECTIONAL DRILLING ~ Rigs, bits, HDD pipe, and all the other tools necessary to This issue also includes our Groundwater Week Pinpointer Map. de ~ Rigs, Hammers, Pumps, and more in this special end-of-the-year Annual Buyers s issue. This is the perfect time to place a special ad to say THANK-YOU to customers plus promote your new products for 2026. Bonus Trade Event Distribution! 2025 Editorial Calendar