Please type or print clearly. A. Applicant Company Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Authorized Signer:___________________________________ Contact’s E-mail:_______________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________ City:__________________ State/Province:_________ Zip/Postal Code:______________ Country:_____________________________ Telephone:_________________________ Fax:__________________________ Website:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you involved in? Const./Geotech. HDD Env. Expl./Blast Geothermal Shallow Gas/Oil Min. Water B. Company On-site Representative: Name:____________________________________ Contact’s E-mail:____________________________ Mobile / Cell: _______________________________ C. Exhibit Space Request (Note - each space comes with two (2) representative’s badges. Spouses FREE. ALL others registered under the Exhibitor Company $25.00 each.) Booth spaces are unfurnished. When application is completed, WWDR Team Member will e-mail you the furnishings available and costs associated therewith. Electricity is complimentary and comes from overhead - please bring your own 20-foot extension cord. BOOTH SIZES: Inside: 15’x15’ square = $400 early registration $550 after June 30, 2023 Primo Combo: Booth and Rig Space = $700 early $850 after June 30, 2023 (Inside Booth at Roll-up Door to outside and Rig Space on Grass) D. Products or Services to be displayed:________________________________________________________________________ E. Avoid assignment adjacent to:___________________________________________________________ F. Exhibit Space Desired - Link to choose your space: (Interactive map) Type of Space: Space # _______ Price: $___________ Please choose three (3) preferred exhibit space locations: ______________, _______________, _______________ You will be notified of the confirmed space. EVENT EXTRAS: Ladies’ Day Excursion (October 19, 2023) $35 per person #______ attending $_____________ Exhibit Area Selection and Extras TOTAL $__________ SHIPPING AND RECEIVING INFORMATION: WorldWide Drilling Resource® will send shipping and receiving information upon receipt of confirmed exhibit space. SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST to MONTHLY ISSUES OF WorldWide Drilling Resource® MAGAZINE Please include me for a monthly subscription to WorldWide Drilling Resource® magazine and charge my credit card below. Badge Names: _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ _______________________ _________________________ _______________________ Method of Payment: American Express Visa MasterCard Discover Card #:____________________________________________ Security Code #:________ Expiration Date:________ Printed Name:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Card Billing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature:___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Page 1 of 2 WorldWide DownHome DrillFest™ 2023 EXHIBITOR APPLICATION 850-547-0102 October 17-19, 2023 Ozark Empire Fairgrounds & Event Center, Springfield, MO PRINT & ONLINE *$15 (*$23 USD for Foreign) ONLINE *$12 (*$12 USD for Foreign) PRINT *$12 (*$20 USD for Foreign)