20 JANUARY 2023 WorldWide Drilling Resource® www.starironworks.com 257 Caroline Street Punxsutawney, PA 15767 800-927-0560 • 814-427-2555 Fax: 814-427-5164 SERVINGTHECONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Serving the Drilling Industry Perseverance by Tim Connor If you were asked by someone: What do you feel are the three most important skills or talents to help you succeed in your business, career, or life - what do you think the average answer would be? Well, I have done this numerous times for audiences around the world, and you would be amazed at the range of answers I have gotten. The three most common ones were: effort, resilience, and perseverance. What exactly is perseverance? “Continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.” I like to keep things simple, so mine is “never quitting no matter what.” Now I’m not sure which definition you like or are the most comfortable with, so why not come up with your own? As a sideline, if you had to rank the three previous traits, what order would you put them in when it comes to importance? In His service, Tim Tim Connor may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” ~Samuel Johnson