24 JANUARY 2023 WorldWide Drilling Resource® by Tim Rasmussen Every time Water for Life (WFL) ships a container, the Bartholomew’s shop is packed full of pallets, pipes, and various piles of material waiting to be weighed, along with many other things. To the inexperienced eye, it looks like unorganized chaos, but to Gary and Rod who have been thinking about the staging of the items for loading, it looks the way it should. Then, after the truck arrives, it all changes. In two hours, the shop is empty again, except for things in the far corners which were left off from the current container and will await the shipment of the next container. As these left behind items are tucked away, some things that were previously forgotten are sometimes discovered. This happened this year, and it led to a wonderful blessing for Water for Life. Gary had been searching for a source from which to purchase 2½-inch brass cylinders for the hand pumps. He had been looking for more than six months, with no results. The cylinders last a long time, but there is a limit to everything. With more than 160 of the hand pumps in use, we occasionally have a need to install new cylinders. Finding a source was crucial to keeping the wells in service. As he was moving some items to make a place to store some other things, he saw a box which had collected dust for an unknown number of years. He didn’t know when it had been purchased or who had sold it to us. The label was of a company called MIDCO and in the box was a new cylinder that was exactly the right size. Gary called MIDCO and ended up talking to George Westhoff, Jr. of Midland Mfg., in Fort Worth, Texas. Midland serves the oil drilling business, but as they talked and Gary told him about our need for the cylinders and where they were going, George began to like the idea of helping WFL. He asked a lot of questions and ended up giving two discounts; then because he has no wholesale suppliers closer to Spokane than Colorado, he offered to pay the freight from Texas to Gary’s shop. The 20 new cylinders arrived here last week. They didn’t make the last shipment, but they will be in the next. Speaking of the shipment, I keep checking on the MSC ship YASHI B which is carrying our container. It has been about 150 miles off the coast of California for about the last three days. It has been steaming slowly north, then south. The speed indicated usually shows about 1.5 knots. The ship is apparently waiting for an opportunity to get into Oakland. There is no telling how long this will go on. Water for Life wants to thank all our volunteers and suppliers for their generous gifts of time, money, and material. Without your assistance, this work could not go on. There are now more than 180 wells in operation in remote villages of Northeast Guatemala. There is no telling how many people are drinking safe, clean water every day as a result of what you have helped us do. Thank you again. If you have a heart to help people and want to have a unique experience, please help Water for Life through this publication. If you would like to help, contact Gary Bartholomew at 509-939-1941 Tim Tim Rasmussen may be contacted via e-mail to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com WTR 302-684-319 Mfg., Inc. & Atlantic Scree et om ducts 7 n E-mail: atlantic@ce.n Atlantic-Screen.c Pipe Clear PVC j Inline Chemical Mixers j ell Rehabilitation Pro jW DE 142 Broadkill Rd Milton, ½” - 24 ranging fr Perforated of Slotted Manufactu Fax: 302-384-0643 more! MUCH And j Bailers Sampling j Locking Caps j Filter Sock j Bentonite j Manholes j ” om Pipe and rers 19968