5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 SEMCO, Inc. All-Hydraulic Hydrorench 3 Sizes Available: 1-4”, 1-10”, or 1-12” Call 800-541-1562 238-135 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ Where deals are made every day.™ Call: 850-547-0102 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 67 DECEMBER 2024 120-120 QUICK CASH MONEY Paid for Drill Rigs, Pump Hoists, Mud Pumps, Drill Pipe, & Bits. RENE HENDON Tel: 281-260-0880 220-1279 We supply new and rerun PDC & tri-cone drill bits for HDD, water well, and geothermal drilling. We can repair your PDC bits in house. Call or e-mail us! 337-446-3230 jim@pilotholebit.com pilotholebit.com 220-919 Jerry’s Bit Service will meet your every drilling need. We service and sell tricone, PDCs, as well as hole openers. Rather rent a PDC? No problem. We got you covered! Our company will repair your PDC, regardless if it is a rental or purchase. Contact: Jerry Shoemaker Mobile: (940) 393-2394 jerryshoemaker54@yahoo.com 771 CR 3591 Paradise TX 76073 USA Contact: Cody Shoemaker Mobile: (940) 389-8189 Jerry’s Bit Service Inc. 220-648 220-162 Call or E-mail for Quotes PO Box 1067 Archer City, Texas 76351 940-574-2238 office 940-733-4321 cell e-mail: usabit@usarockbit.com Visit our website: www.usarockbit.com 220-712 220-822 220-2173 New & Used Tricones j PDCs Drag & Claw Bits j Drill Collars Bit Tipping j Subs & Stabilizers HDD Bits & Reamers DTH Hammer & Bits Custom Fabrication Junk Mills / Fishing Tools eranhenderson@gmail.com Rod Henderson 661-201-6259 Eran Henderson 661-330-0790 Bitco, Inc. Booth 568 Booth 780 February Issue Deadlines Space Reservation: December 25th Display & Classified Ad Copy: January 1st
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Gus Pech Bucket / Boring Rigs Wanted Any condition! Buckets, tooling, etc. Also have rigs for sale. Call Jared Sisk 816-517-4532 240-385 S.E. Tennessee Water Services Co. We service and sell water pumps, water filtration, softeners, hand pumps, pond fountains, irrigation, solar pumps, spring systems, storage tank systems, and geothermal heat pumps for customers within 50 miles of Pikeville, TN. Located in a Tennessee Enterprise Zone. Check out: http://www.millspumpservice.com https://www.facebook.com/search/ top?q=mills%20pump%20service or call (423) 618-0091 245-2145 Golden opportunity for a younger, experienced water well driller/pump installer to purchase a highly respected family water well business in BOOMING eastern Nebraska!! We have been in business for 75 plus years at the same address with a huge client base and always a backlog of work. Buyer needs to have great motivation and a strong desire to succeed. SO DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! Contact us at: mightsellbusiness@gmail.com 245-2192 Reese Rig & Equipment Co. Want: 71 SpeedStar, Cheaper Rotary Rigs, and Drill Pipe NEW: B-E 22W & 24L, 55 & 72 SpeedStars, WS31, GD horz. HD comp., comp. with (2) V-12 DD engines, casing pipe bender, CAT 561D sideboom pipelayer, (3) drop-deck trailers, 40’ trailer, larger B-E rig parts and tooling. Wanted Bucyrus-Erie Models: 22W, 24L, 60L, 28L, 36L Buy & Sell Oilfield Equipment Items Give us a call: 740-408-0725 E-mail: neh810@yahoo.com www.REESERIG.com 305-982 Bucyrus-Erie 36L, 28L, 24Ls, and tools. Jon Sims Auctioneering 304-483-5102 305-1297 Hocker Drilling and Fishing Tools Special Price on Cable Tools! We accept Visa, MasterCard, & Discover. New & Used Cable Tools, Rope Sockets, Stems, and Bailers. Call 270-926-2889 dhocker2@roadrunner.com 307-107 68 DECEMBER 2024 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 305-166 We SELL, REPAIR, and REBUILD B-E Well Drills We Also Provide Factory Spec Replacement Parts for B-E Well Drills Other Services Repair, Refurbish, and Remount Pump Hoists Authorized Smeal / Hunke Distributor Email: seth@buckeyedrill.com www.buckeyedrill.com 307-1043 238-673 Hydraulic and pneumatic tools in stock. Sizes 1” to 20”. Model 113HD All Hydraulic Sizes 1"-13" (208) 365-3492 • Fax: (208) 365-3792 rauchmfg.com rauchmfg@outlook.com 307-518 Carbide Button Bits Cable Drilling & Fishing Tools www.RAMPPCO.com Worldwide Manufacturer of Cable Drilling Tools 740-373-7886 Booth 663 WWDR’s February Editorial Focus is: Shallow Gas & Oil ~ Fueling the Future with Gas & Oil Products Send your information to: bonnie@ worldwidedrillingresource.com Submission Deadline: December 15th Why is the moon so bright? It’s going through a phase. Bulls are partially color blind, so they can’t actually see red. To them, a red cape looks yellowish-gray. It is perhaps the threatening, waving motion of the matador’s red cape that enrages a bull.
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Atlas Copco to Zinex drills. www.desertdrillingsupply.com sales@desertdrillingsupply.com 778-220-1888 365-1291 Sullair 900/350, Detroit Diesel 12V71 engine, 500 HP, total hours 2199, mtd. on Great Dane flatbed semitrailer, registered w/current plates. New air hammer and 8” air bit are included..........$48,000 Aerial tour link: https://youtu.be/p13PWRQ6Ob0 307-864-3811 danw@rtconnect.net 335-1306 69 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ DECEMBER 2024 320-254 TekMark Industries Casing Lifters and Holders Safer! Faster! Smarter! Heavy-Duty Casing Lifter 140,000 lb capacity NO LUGS Save rig time, save labor. Call TekMark TODAY! 800-747-2485 tekmarkwellcasingtools.com 509-747-2485 tekmarkind@gmail.com OR Booth 1539 335-183 R & R DRILLING INC. 800-874-3907 PH. 423-626-5302 FAX. 423-626-1232 E-mail: airdocron1@gmail.com We Stock New & Rebuilt Shipping Worldwide Excellent Exchange Prices With Over 50 Air Ends in Stock, We Can Serve Your Compressor Needs! GHH RAND 335-1300 401-719 Stocking Distributor of Genuine Geoprobe® Tooling & Supplies Geoprobe® Rentals (420M, 6011DT, 7822DT) PrePacked Well Screens Injection Tooling Vapor Sampling Manholes (H20, M-306, Aircraft Rated) Morrison Bros. Co.® Johnson Screens® Proactive Pumps® 888-240-4328 609-631-8939 (fax)609-631-0993 ectmfg.com proactivepumps.com torquerplug.com 311-313 Custom Equipment from Design to Production 1-866-338-5090 CASINGHAMMER.COM CASINGHAMMER.COM Casing Jacks Hydraulic & Pneumatic Casing Hammers •Cyclones •Diverters Booth 116 Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice. Blind as a bat? No, bats are not blind. They don’t have the sharp, colorful vision humans have, but their small eyes have very sensitive vision, which helps them see in conditions we might consider pitch black.
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 70 DECEMBER 2024 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 435-1213 Booth 14 435-1090 Drill Pipe Inc. (DPI) is an international manufacturer of quality drill tools. With 60+ years of experience, DPI has an experienced and dedicated team leveraging their experience and expertise, combining it with the latest manufactured technology, to produce the industry’s highest quality in-hole tools. DEDICATED MANUFACTURERS IN Inertia-Welded Drill Pipe Dual-Wall Drill Pipe Wire Line Drill Rod/Casing Starter Rods Composite Wire Line Drill Rods Drill Collars Sonic Drill Pipe/Casing/Bits Percussion Casing/Bits THREADS WE PRODUCE API, Mayhew, BECO, DCDMA, FEDP, 88.9 MM - 177.8 MM, Other Industrial Threads, Custom Threads EXPERIENCE THE DPI DIFFERENCE CONTACT US TODAY T: 763-592-8670 E: info@drillpipeinc.com TF: 866-220-8342 E: tom@drillpipeinc.com F: 763-592-8661 A: 602 Commerce St W: www.drillpipeinc.com Alice, TX 78332-2901 Booth 502 WANT TO PLACE AN AD? Call 850-547-0102 or complete the form below and send it to michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com, or fax to 850-547-0329, or mail to WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ PO Box 660, Bonifay, FL 32425-0660. Ad Text: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Category:________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: City, State, Zip: Phone #___________________________________________ Fax # E-Mail: We gladly accept credit cards or checks. Name on Card: _________________________________________________________ Credit Card #:__________________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________ CCV#:______ WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ Photos of equipment must be 300 dpi, and in jpeg or pdf format. This form is also available online at www.worldwidedrillingresource.com. QUESTIONS? Call 850-547-0102 435-120 Drill Pipe In Stock 2-3/8 x 2-3/8 May. x 20’ 2-3/8 x 2-3/8 IF x 20’ 2-7/8 x 2-3/8 IF x 20’ 3-1/2 x 2-3/8 IF x 20’ 3-1/2 x 3-1/2 IF x 20’ 4-1/2 x 2-7/8 IF x 20’ 4-1/2 x 2-7/8 IF x 25’ 5 x 3-1/2 IF x 20’ Weld-On Tool Joints - Used Drill Pipe Call: RENE HENDON 281-260-0880 renehendon@yahoo.com People often assume bananas grow on trees. They are actually an herb which can reach nearly 50 feet, and are grown in over 150 countries. Classified Display (photo, logo, box/border) 1x $80.00 3x $78.00 6x $76.00 12x $74.00 Price is per column inch. Color? $26.25 for 1x,3x,6x $15.75 for 12x Text Ads per line - 4 line minimum 1x = $12.50 per line / Minimum $50.00 3x = $12.00 per line / Minimum $48.00 6x = $11.50 per line / Minimum $46.00 12x = $11.00 per line / Minimum $44.00 Color? Add $5.00 per insertion. Advertising Rates We accept:
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 71 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ DECEMBER 2024 805-742 Groundwater Supply Co. Inc. www.groundwatersupply.net sales@groundwatersupply.net Phone: 978-422-3209 Authorized distributor for: Atlas Copco, Bulroc, EDM, Halco, Mincon, Robit, Rock Hog, Rockmore, Sandvik Mission Rock Drill Hammers & Bits 820-742 Groundwater Supply Co. Inc. www.groundwatersupply.net sales@groundwatersupply.net Phone: 888-DRL-STORE Master Stocking Distributor of Pumps & Parts Models A04, I04, E04 FMC / Bean Water Injection Pumps 820-610 DU-ALL Injection Pumps All parts in stock and available for shipment. Overnight delivery available. Call your local parts supplier or Fred’s Water Service at (440) 259-5436 with your order or questions. Fred’s Water Service, Inc. 4390 Elberta Road Perry, Ohio 44081 Phone (440) 259-5436 www.fwservice.com Fax: (440) 259-4795 1120-120 GD & Wheatley 4x5 to 7x12 Complete Pump, Gearend, Fluidend RENE HENDON 281-260-0880 1119-2154 WALTHALL MANUFACTURING Navasota, TX walthallmfg.com 281-414-6117 We offer a full line of fluid end expendable mud pump parts. Liners, pistons, rods, rubber products . . . Servicing Gardner Denver, Wheatley, Gasso, and more. 100% manufactured in Texas and the longest lasting liners and rods in the industry! We stock! “Quality American Manufacturing” 520-1145 Drillers Wanted All experience levels, auger, mud, and air rotary, geotechnical, CPT, environmental. CDL required within 1st year. CDL and drilling on-the-job training available. Great Federal Benefits, overtime, per diem, >90% travel, drilling experience not necessary. Prior military or reserve/ National Guard experience a plus. Call Chris at 402-619-1584 or e-mail résumé to Christopher.W.Miner@usace.army.mil 515-135 Ship same day SEMCO INC. of Lamar, CO 800-541-1562 www.SEMCOoflamar.com PIPE ELEVATORS All steel with safety latch. Credit Cards accepted STANDARD DUTY 1” - 6” Steel Bales HEAVY-DUTY 6” - 16” Cable Bales 815-742 Groundwater Supply Co. Inc. Pentair Myers complete line of reciprocating pumps available in: •Ductile Iron •Carbon Steel •Stainless Steel Stocking Distributor of Service Parts www.groundwatersupply.net sales@groundwatersupply.net Phone: 978-422-3209 For Your Hydrofracking and Replacement Pump Needs 515-187 515-121 ELEVATOR SPECIAL 1”, 1¼”, & 2” Slip-type Elevator w/kwik-clamp DRILLING EQUIPMENT SALES, INC. 2515 Highway 70 SW • Hickory, NC 28602 828-322-3056 www.drillingequip.com Package Special All 4 pieces for $1200 458-814 104 E DeVore Ave. Pearl City, IL 61062 Ph: 800-388-2906 Fax: 815-443-2893 iesdrillingsupplies@gmail.com www.iesdrillingsupplies.com Drilling Mud • Polymers • PVC and Stainless Steel Screens • Aboveground Protectors • Manholes Water Well, HDD, Geothermal, Environmental, Remediation IES Exclusive Products 2” Cast Iron, Watertight Monitoring Well Covers for 1” Geoprobe Wells 4” & 8” Cam-Locking Cast Iron Manholes 4”, 6”, 8” Aluminum Anodized Pro Covers Delivery to all 50 states~7 days a week! Give us a call! The Midwest’s Largest Inventory of Drilling Supplies Featuring! Booth 103 520-2193 Looking for an Experienced Coil Tubing Unit Operator We are a small company in Mesa, AZ, with an exciting future and tons of room for growth. Our company offers 100% paid health, dental, and vision insurance for the employee. Relocation allowance for the right candidate. Call: 270-254-1500 E-mail: eddie@acsservicesllc.com 520-2194 We are a leading Commercial and Municipal Well Service Contractor in Texas, now hiring experienced, licensed Project Managers and Pump Installers! Join a fast-growing company specializing in Lineshaft Turbines, Submersibles, and complete water well rehabilitations. Take the next step in your career with a company that values people! Call Us Today: 830-865-2362 Project Managers & Pump Installers Join Our Team! • Signing Bonus • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays • Health Insurance • Relocation Package*
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Baski Medium Duty Packers (7) total, limited wear. Sizes 3.4" x 6.5", 4.5" x 8.5" & 6.4" x 12.5". Accessories include inline adapters and pump shrouds. Willing to sell individual or total package price. For more information and pictures, call Dwayne Kocher: 717-649-0206 1203-552 72 DECEMBER 2024 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 1203-1190 800-452-4902 Manufactured by Vanderlans & Sons 1320 S Sacramento St Lodi CA 95240 209-334-4115 Fax: 209-339-8260 www.lansas.com Inflatable Well Packers CUSTOM-BUILT PACKERS FOR ANY APPLICATION COMPETITIVE PRICES 1203-115 Booth 813 1203-816 Quality Packers You Can Count On! j Mechanical j Inflatable j Wireline j Straddle j Environmental j Mining j Geotechnical j Grout Packers j Packer Parts We Can Also Custom Design and Manufacture to YOUR Specifications 855-546-6488 sales@aardvarkpackers.com aardvarkpackers.com 1125-576 Odin Drill Drilling and mud recycling all in one unit! 360-477-0251 www.mudslayermfg.com M500T Bigger - Portable Mud Cleaning New Innovation from MUDSLAYER MFG. 1125-1099 Booth 1119 Booth 169 1125-870 Saving You Time, Money, and Equipment Wear MUD PUPPY CORPORATION PO Box 8522 Woodland, CA 95776 Office: 442-242-7507 kenneth@mudpuppyinc.com Booth 757 Have something to sell? Fill out and return the form on page 70, fill out the form online worldwidedrillingresource.com or call 850-547-0102
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Basic Pump Hoists Starting At: S4,000 Pump Hoist, 8,000# cap., 35’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 5T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$29,050 S6,000 Pump Hoist, 16,000# 3L cap., 35’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 5T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$33,250 S8,000 Pump Hoist, 22,000# 3L cap., 36’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 7T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$42,515 S10,000 Pump Hoist, 30,000# 3L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 7T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$59,250 S12,000 Pump Hoist, 48,000# 4L cap., 44’ telescoping mast, 6000# tail- out line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control.........$67,235 S15,000 Pump Hoist, 60,000# 4L cap., 48’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control.........$83,265 S20,000 Pump Hoist, 80,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls, & variable speed engine control.......$109,215 S25,000 Pump Hoist, 100,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 15T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control.......$152,875 S30,000 Pump Hoist, 120,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 15T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control.......$179,575 S35,000 Pump Hoist, 150,000# 5L cap, 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 22T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control...............$215,445 EQUIPMENT IN STOCK - Please call for availability on equipment in stock. SEMCO, Inc. LAMAR, COLORADO 719-336-9006 / 800-541-1562 FAX 719-336-2402 SEMCOPUMPHOIST@GMAIL.COM www.SEMCOoflamar.com See our Ad on page 1. 1230-135 73 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ DECEMBER 2024 1230-120 WANTED TO BUY PULSTAR SMEAL, SEMCO PUMP HOIST RENE HENDON 281-260-0880 1230-2185 2017 F-450 Hunke 5T, 2wd, diesel, 115,000 miles........................$80,000 Call for info: 603-669-9119 Booth 103 1330-147 www.spikesrigs.com New,Unmounted 2100 Gallon Water Bed, 14K Crane (Chassis Available) 2004 Schramm T450WS Rebuilt Head & Deck Eng. SRS #4401 Merry Christmas to All and Have a Blessed Holiday Season! Visit our website for a complete listing of all your drilling needs. www.spikesrigs.com 888-204-3907 or 814-676-1963 Email: spike@spikesrigs.com Let us put one of these under your tree! 1203-409 1320-120 5¼, 7½, 8½, 12, 17½ Rotary Table, Hyd. Tubing Tongs, Air Slips, Type LF & C Tongs, Elevators RENE HENDON 281-260-0880 The WWDR office will be closed December 24-25 and January 1, to allow our Team to enjoy the holidays with their families. Limited staff will be available December 26-31; e-mail will be monitored. The WWDR Team wishes you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Eaton Drilling Co., located at 20 W Kentucky Ave in Woodland, CA, is selling select drilling equipment, packaged in lots with a drill rig and support equipment, all well-maintained & operational. Contact Landon: 559-936-9630 lfriend@eatondrilling.com Mark: 530-681-0125 mnewman@eatondrilling.com Click here to view the items. 1330-2195 1978 I-R T4, rebuilt and in good condition. Call for more details: 509-750-1097 1330-2191 74 DECEMBER 2024 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 1705-120 QUICK CASH MONEY Paid for Drill Rigs, Pump Hoists, Mud Pumps, Drill Pipe, & Bits. RENE HENDON Tel: 281-260-0880 1330-124 Booth 338 1330-204 1330-947 1330-574 Portadrill TLS 542, 80,000 lbs. pullback, 90,000 lbs. drawworks, 28’ stroke, mtd. on Kenworth C500, 6x6. Cell: 509-539-6184 On April 21, 1972, Apollo 16 Astronauts John Young and Charles Duke drove an electric car on the surface of the moon. It’s still up there along with some expensive tools and some film they forgot.
5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Reliable Water Level Indicators proudly made in the USA. Various lengths & scales available, selectable buzzer/light indication & sensitivity control. Economical repair service. Waterline Envirotech Ltd. www.waterlineusa.com 360-676-9635 1710-188 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 75 DECEMBER 2024 1730-785 Gordon Ballard Ballard Drilling Co., Inc. Wadley, Alabama Cell: 256-307-4017 (anytime) E-mail: gballard501@msn.com 2005 Peterbilt Model 340 with Cummins PACCAR engine, auto. transmission, new 2024 bed with 2200 gallons of water and 150 gallons of fuel and fuel transfer pump. Call for price. 1775-136 The Source of Force Linepull: 1/2 Ton to 100 Ton plus! In-Stock Now! (800) Mr. Winch greg@ryanhyd.com www.ryanhyd.com 1760-378 j Wedge wire screen, stainless steel, galvanized, and carbon steel j ½” to 24” OD Diameters j Rod base screen j Pre-pack screen j Drive points j Pipe base screen j Dielectric couplings j Environmental flush joint screen and riser j Complete line of accessories Manufactured in Houston, TX, USA Well Screen (281) 233-0214 (800) 577-5068 info@alloymachineworks.com www.alloymachineworks.com 1753-244 TORQUER™ Professional Locking Well Plugs Sched. 40/80 1/2”, 3/4” 1”, 1 1/4” 1 1/2”, 2” 2 1/2”, 3” 4”, 5”, 6” coming soon: 8” U.S. Patent Protected www.torquerplugs.com •Domed top •No metal parts •Padlocks or safety lock out tags •Most sq. inch of gasket power •Bright safety orange color •Vapor extraction convertible •Vented Plug Option •Low Cost 1730-2108 Office: 218-729-8721 sales@flatwaterfleet.com Make Your Drillsite More Profitable Booth 613 Hair spray will work to remove ballpoint ink stains from leather. Saturate the stain, let the spray dry, and then brush lightly with a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. The Christmas Pickle Adapted from Information by Good Housekeeping In many families, Christmas Day starts with a frantic hunt as kids and adults alike, comb the Christmas tree looking for a little, green pickle-shaped o r namen t hidden within its branches. The person who finds the pickle gets to open the first present, and gloat about it until the next year. So, what is the story behind the Christmas pickle? During the 1880s, the department store Woolworths began selling blownglass ornaments imported from Germany, shaped like fruits and vegetables. Around the same time, a story began circulating that German people hung a pickle on their tree as the last ornament. The first one to find the pickle got to open an extra present. But when Americans checked in with the Old Country, most Germans had never heard of the tradition. Most believe some savvy salesman made up the tale to sell more pickle ornaments, and if today's trees are any indication, it seems to have worked.
Thank-you to all of the associations, our advertisers and subscribers. The WWDR Team wishes you and your families a very Merry Christmas!