5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Golden opportunity for a younger, experienced water well driller/pump installer to purchase a highly respected family water well business in BOOMING eastern Nebraska!! We have been in business for 75 plus years at the same address with a huge client base and always a backlog of work. Buyer needs to have great motivation and a strong desire to succeed. SO DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!! Contact us at: mightsellbusiness@gmail.com 245-2192 S.E. Tennessee Water Services Co. We service and sell water pumps, water filtration, softeners, hand pumps, pond fountains, irrigation, solar pumps, spring systems, storage tank systems, and geothermal heat pumps for customers within 50 miles of Pikeville, TN. Located in a Tennessee Enterprise Zone. Check out: http://www.millspumpservice.com https://www.facebook.com/search/ top?q=mills%20pump%20service or call (423) 618-0091 245-2145 Bucyrus-Erie 36L, 28L, 24Ls, and tools. Jon Sims Auctioneering 304-483-5102 305-1297 Reese Rig & Equipment Co. Wanted: 71 SpeedStar, Cheaper Rotary Rigs, and Drill Pipe Wanted: Used Pump Hoists Wanted Bucyrus-Erie Models: 22W, 24L, 60L, 28L, 36L Now Buying & Selling Construction-Related Equipment Buy & Sell Oilfield Rigs & Equipment Give us a call: 740-408-0725 E-mail: neh810@yahoo.com www.REESERIG.com 305-982 Hocker Drilling and Fishing Tools Special Price on Cable Tools! We accept Visa, MasterCard, & Discover. New & Used Cable Tools, Rope Sockets, Stems, and Bailers. Call 270-926-2889 dhocker2@roadrunner.com 307-107 Atlas Copco to Zinex drills. www.desertdrillingsupply.com sales@desertdrillingsupply.com 778-220-1888 365-1291 44 JANUARY 2025 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 305-166 We SELL, REPAIR, and REBUILD B-E Well Drills We Also Provide Factory Spec Replacement Parts for B-E Well Drills Other Services Repair, Refurbish, and Remount Pump Hoists Authorized Smeal / Hunke Distributor Email: seth@buckeyedrill.com www.buckeyedrill.com 307-1043 238-673 Hydraulic and pneumatic tools in stock. Sizes 1” to 20”. Model 113HD All Hydraulic Sizes 1"-13" (208) 365-3492 • Fax: (208) 365-3792 rauchmfg.com rauchmfg@outlook.com 307-518 Carbide Button Bits Cable Drilling & Fishing Tools www.RAMPPCO.com Worldwide Manufacturer of Cable Drilling Tools 740-373-7886 320-254 TekMark Industries Casing Lifters and Holders Safer! Faster! Smarter! Heavy-Duty Casing Lifter 140,000 lb capacity NO LUGS Save rig time, save labor. Call TekMark TODAY! 800-747-2485 tekmarkwellcasingtools.com 509-747-2485 tekmarkind@gmail.com OR