5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 47 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ JANUARY 2025 820-742 Groundwater Supply Co. Inc. www.groundwatersupply.net sales@groundwatersupply.net Phone: 888-DRL-STORE Master Stocking Distributor of Pumps & Parts Models A04, I04, E04 FMC / Bean Water Injection Pumps 820-610 DU-ALL Injection Pumps All parts in stock and available for shipment. Overnight delivery available. Call your local parts supplier or Fred’s Water Service at (440) 259-5436 with your order or questions. Fred’s Water Service, Inc. 4390 Elberta Road Perry, Ohio 44081 Phone (440) 259-5436 www.fwservice.com Fax: (440) 259-4795 1120-120 GD & Wheatley 4x5 to 7x12 Complete Pump, Gearend, Fluidend RENE HENDON 281-260-0880 1120-948 (3) Used GD FC-FXX 5X8 DUPLEX PUMPS with high-pressure fluid ends. For more information, please call: 325-653-3433 1125-576 New Innovation from MUDSLAYER MFG. 360-477-0251 www.mudslayermfg.com M750T Larger Portable Mud Cleaner in the Line 1125-870 Saving You Time, Money, and Equipment Wear MUD PUPPY CORPORATION PO Box 8522 Woodland, CA 95776 Office: 442-242-7507 kenneth@mudpuppyinc.com 1125-1099 1203-409 1203-115 The WWDR office will be closed on January 1, 2025, to celebrate the new year. E-mail will be monitored. The WWDR Team wishes you and your families a safe and successful 2025! worldwidedrillingresource.com