5 - 0 5 8 2 0 1 0 - 7 4 Baski Medium Duty Packers (7) total, limited wear. Sizes 3.4" x 6.5", 4.5" x 8.5" & 6.4" x 12.5". Accessories include inline adapters and pump shrouds. Willing to sell individual or total package price. For more information and pictures, e-mail dwayne@eichelbergers.com 1203-552 Basic Pump Hoists Starting At: S4,000 Pump Hoist, 8,000# cap., 35’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 5T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$29,050 S6,000 Pump Hoist, 16,000# 3L cap., 35’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 5T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$33,250 S8,000 Pump Hoist, 22,000# 3L cap., 36’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 7T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$42,515 S10,000 Pump Hoist, 30,000# 3L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 30 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 7T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control...$59,250 S12,000 Pump Hoist, 48,000# 4L cap., 44’ telescoping mast, 6000# tail- out line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control.........$67,235 S15,000 Pump Hoist, 60,000# 4L cap., 48’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls & variable speed engine control.........$83,265 S20,000 Pump Hoist, 80,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 72 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 11T safety hook, hyd. controls, & variable speed engine control.......$109,215 S25,000 Pump Hoist, 100,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 15T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control.......$152,875 S30,000 Pump Hoist, 120,000# 4L cap., 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 15T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control.......$179,575 S35,000 Pump Hoist, 150,000# 5L cap, 40’ telescoping mast, 6000# tailout line, 100 gal. oil tank, hyd. pump, 22T safety hook, hyd. control & variable speed engine control...............$215,445 EQUIPMENT IN STOCK - Please call for availability on equipment in stock. SEMCO, Inc. LAMAR, COLORADO 719-336-9006 / 800-541-1562 FAX 719-336-2402 SEMCOPUMPHOIST@GMAIL.COM www.SEMCOoflamar.com See our Ad on page 56. 1230-135 48 JANUARY 2025 WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ 1230-2185 2017 F-450 Hunke 5T, 2wd, diesel, 115,000 miles........................$75,000 Call for info: 603-669-9119 **REDUCED** 1203-1190 800-452-4902 Manufactured by Vanderlans & Sons 1320 S Sacramento St Lodi CA 95240 209-334-4115 Fax: 209-339-8260 www.lansas.com Inflatable Well Packers CUSTOM-BUILT PACKERS FOR ANY APPLICATION COMPETITIVE PRICES 1203-816 Quality Packers You Can Count On! j Mechanical j Inflatable j Wireline j Straddle j Environmental j Mining j Geotechnical j Grout Packers j Packer Parts We Can Also Custom Design and Manufacture to YOUR Specifications 855-546-6488 sales@aardvarkpackers.com aardvarkpackers.com 1205-762 Mills Knife Perforators Designed Specifically to Cut Slots through the Casing in the Zone that Needs Perforations or Inject Grout to Seal the Well for Abandonment. 2”, 4”, 6”, 8”, and 10” Mills Knife Perforators and Replacement Blades Available in Standard Sizes for Casing Ranging from 2”-24” In Stock and Ready to Ship! Mow high, keeping grass at a length no shorter than three inches. Tall grass shades out weeds and keeps the soil cool and moist.