2024 Marketing Guide DIR WTR MIN EXB ENV GEO C&G G&O It’s All About Drilling! Geotechnical Construction Exploration Directional Geothermal Shallow Gas & Oil Blasthole Environmental Mining Irrigation Water Well Wastewater Solar
This is AWESOME!!!! You are the best! It’s PERFECT!!! . . . at the Board Meeting everyone appreciated it and commented on [how] great you all have been to work with and your participation has also helped our show become more successful. No one argued those points either!!! Jan Oster Program Chair Mountain States Ground Water Expo Enjoy the wide diversity of subjects in your publication. Thanks, Bill Copeland Oklahoma City, OK Appreciate your help! Thank you all for your years of dedication to the industry and your publication! Kristina Freeman Western Dewatering, Inc. El Paso, TX Thank you for a great mag. Todd Symons Daly Bros Pty Ltd Queensland, Australia Thank you so much. I enjoy your magazine. God Bless. Tony Zucker Virginia Thanks! I enjoy your publication every month! Larry J. Tindel Tindel’s Well Drilling Plant City, FL “Thank you, Ronnie! We enjoy working with all of you. Thank you for the photo.” Madison Rönnkvist Drill Pipe, Inc. Alice, TX “Great magazine - I read it cover to cover.” Wayne Westberg M-W Drilling, Inc. Anchorage, AK Issue Editorial Focus Deadline WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2024 Editorial Calendar Products for Today’s Drilling Professional - Rigs, Bits, Hammers, Heavy Equipment, Fishing Tools, and More! Gas and Oil Goods Horizonal Directional Drilling Equipment and Tooling Mining Equipment and Blasting Supplies Constructing the Future - Construction, Foundations, Piling, Geotechnical Machinery, and Accessories Salute to Safety - Let’s Focus on National Safety Month and Safety-Based Features Environmental Instruments and Other Items National Water Quality Month - Water, Wastewater, and Irrigation Tools, Pumps, Equipment, and More History Month: Celebrating Milestones in the Drilling Community & our Annual Buyers Meet Sellers Issue Honoring our Drilling Families Geothermal Materials and the Gear Needed to Get the Job Done New Technology On the Horizon - Exciting Technological Advances for 2025. Plus, take this opportunity to thank your customers for a great 2024! 11-15-23 12-15-23 1-15-24 2-15-24 3-15-24 4-15-24 5-15-24 6-15-24 7-15-24 8-15-24 9-15-24 10-15-24 January February March April May June July August September October November December Make WWDR Editorial Opportunities Part of Your Marketing Plan in 2024!
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Ad Dimensions: 2024 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Display Ad Rates Front Cover 8.75” wide x 8.25” high Special Position? (Particular page in magazine.) Call for availability. Price $200 additional per page, per insertion. Advertisements prepared FREE as a courtesy to our customers become the property of WorldWide Drilling Resource® and may not be reproduced or used in any other magazine, website, or venue of a competitive nature with WorldWide Drilling Resource® without explicit written permission. ~ Contact the management for permission to use the advertisement elsewhere. Reverse type is acceptable, but should not be less than ten point and then only be reversed in areas having at least 70% black, magenta, or cyan value. Grayscale or CMYK color color only. RGB color formats do not print correctly and may modify your intended image. Black type MUST BE 100% black for clarity in printing; deviations will put hazes around the words and make them illegible. WWDR not responsible if not sent properly. Material may be e-mailed directly to us or sent via DropBox. NOTE: Photographs, logos, or any other illustrations to be used in preparation of ads by our production department must be clear, high resolution with a minimum of 300 dpi, saved as JPEG, TIFF, EPS, PSD, or PDF files. PC FORMAT ONLY. Any deviations from these specifications must be agreed upon by the management of WorldWide Drilling Resource®. Deadline Dates: Space reservation by the 25th day of the month prior to the preceding month of the issue (for example, November 25th for the January issue). When WorldWide Drilling Resource® provides ad preparation FREE it is due no later than the 27th of the month prior to the preceding month of the issue to allow sufficient time to prepare the ad to your specifications and receive your approval. Advertising material prepared by ad agencies must be received by the first of the month prior to the issue month. (If these dates fall on a weekend or during holiday schedule the dates will revert to an earlier time). One-Half Horizontal 7” wide x 4.75” high Back Cover 8.75” wide x 11.25” high Full Page 7” wide x 10” high Full Page Bleed 8.75” wide x 11.25” high One-Half Vertical 3.5” wide x 10” high One-Half Island 4.75” wide x 7.25” high One-Third Horizontal 7” wide x 3.15” high One-Third Square 4.75” wide x 4.75” high One-Sixth Vertical 2.25” wide x 5.0” high One-Quarter Horizontal 4.75” wide x 3.5” high One-Third Vertical 2.25” wide x 10” high BLACK & WHITE ~ Per Insertion FULL COLOR (No Spot Color Rates) ~ Per Insertion RUN Full Two-Thirds Half Third Fourth Sixth 12X $2209 $1863 $1559 $1265 $998 $607 6X $2425 $2079 $1819 $1474 $1083 $738 3X $2685 $2253 $2079 $1689 $1343 $953 1X $2945 $2591 $2339 $1905 $1647 $1127 RUN Third Fourth Sixth 12X $867 $651 $435 6X $1127 $738 $478 3X $1343 $1071 $607 1X $1559 $1301 $781 Two-Thirds 4.75” wide x 10” high One-Quarter Vertical 3.5” wide x 4.75” high WorldWide Buyers’ Guide™ Classified Ad Rates Text Line Ads - 4-line minimum: 1X = $12.50 per line - $50.00 minimum 3X = $12.00 per line - $48.00 minimum 6X = $11.50 per line - $46.00 minimum 12X = $11.00 per line - $44.00 minimum Color? Add $5.00 per insertion. Classified Display (photo, logo, box / border) - per column inch: 1X = $80.00 per column inch 3X = $78.00 per column inch 6X = $76.00 per column inch 12X = $74.00 per column inch Add Color to 1x, 3x, or 6x ads for $26.25; 12X ads = $15.75 Both color and black & white text ads and display classified ads are accepted. All classified ads must be paid in advance. We gladly accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA, as well as checks. Call 850-547-0102 for more details! Attention 6X & 12X advertisers! Use a check to prepay for your entire run of ads, and receive a 10% discount! 2.5 x 4.5 address box All Rates subject to printing and postal rate increases. subject to printing and postal rate increases. ATTENTION ADVERTISING AGENCY Please add your fees to these rates as no agency commission is possible at these low rates. Thanks for your understanding. The deadline for classified listings is the first of the month prior to the issue month (for example, December 1st is the deadline for the January issue). Great News! No rate increase for 2024.
Place your logo, company website, and telephone number on the WWDR truck side window for only $300 per month with a 12-month committment. Plus, receive the 12-time rate for any ads placed in the magazine or online all year! MIX ‘N MATCH Spread out your BRANDING. Be visible with WWDR’s fantastic editorial opportunities while you are visible constantly in print, online, and through direct Inbox mailing. Mix ‘N Match any advertising offers with any other offers to reach your desired 3- 6- or 12-time rate. Our public relations professionals will provide suggestions and work with you every step of the way. E-News Flash INBOX Distribution: In between print issues of WorldWide Drilling Resource®, E-NewsFlash by WorldWide Drilling Resource® (newsletter) with new articles that missed the print issue, hits approximately 7000 inboxes the world over. You can too, with TOWER ADVERTISEMENTS . . . FREE LINK! (170 pixels wide up to 354 pixels high, 96 dpi). WorldWide Business Directory™ Sensational way to keep your name visible all year long. A full 12 months’ worth of ads for only $1200 (prepaid) total. Just send us a business card - we do the rest. Don’t have a business card? No Problem! We’ll design a business card ad for you to use in this fantastic advertising opportunity. FREE LINK! PINPOINTER MAP(S) Special events have special maps - check out the samples on the next page. The map actually points to your location on the exhibit floor - from your own mini advertisement on the circumference of the map. The ad is prepared by us in a certain format - presenting your logo, telephone number, and website. This map appears in the issue prior to the event. AND, it is distributed at the event(s). ON-SITE COVERAGE - Events, Your Facility, and More. Call for rates - “Have Camera ~ “Have Camera ~ Will Travel!” 850-547-0102 850-547-0102 BUYERS MEET SELLERS A special section appearing in our September print issue, has your advertisement(s) (prepared by our professional staff) appearing in a prominent space under your chosen category. It also appears ONLINE for 12 full months. BONUS - These are hand-carried in LAMINATED BOOKLETS to events for distribution throughout the year. ONLINE OPPORTUNITIES ALTERNATING WEB BANNER - Placement on the home page of the WWDR website for a month. Ad measurements - 70 pixels high up to 350 pixels wide, 96 dpi - FREE LINK! SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENT SPACE - call for quote. FREE LINK! BUYERS MEET SELLERS - A mirror of the September print issue special section appears online for a full 12 months - September through August. If you missed the print issue - jump in any time (regular rate applies) - FREE LINK! 2024 WorldWide Drilling Resource® Menu of Opportunities “Very good source.” Conrad Miller Conrad Miller Mechanical Salina, UT Fantastic, thank you very much Michele! That was very fast. J Have a great day! Daniel Hidalgo Marketing Manager Flomatic Valves Glens Falls, NY “Thank you for all that you do. I always enjoy seeing you at the Texas Ground Water Convention!” Tyler R. Jones Flint and Walling Austin, TX Price $3600 (prepaid) $75 $1200 (prepaid) $212 advertisers $242 nonadvertisers Call for Quote $212 advertisers $273 nonadvertisers $182 Call for Quote $212 advertisers $273 nonadvertisers NEW OPPORTUNITY! TRAVELING BILLBOARD
Sample WorldWide Business Directory™ WorldWide Pinpointer Maps Sample E-News Flash Tower ads 800-338-9925 SIMCODRILL.com WorldWide Drilling Resource® Proudly Presents the 2023 Groundwater Week Expo Pinpointer Map* (*Booth Numbers are Subject to Change.) 800-838-3751 blackadar.com 605-542-7391 geoproinc.com 800-421-2487 palmerbit.com www.flomatic.com 800-833-2040 814-427-2555 www.starironworks.com 800-752-2537 ackerdrill.com 712-732-2760 merrillmfg.com diedrichdrill.com 800-348-8809 BakerWaterSystems.com 800-356-5130 wyoben.com 8005487055 888-300-2220 tdhmfg.com 806-747-2096 coteychemical.com 800-776-2266 americangranby.com 800-423-1358 diaedgerocktools.com Mitsubishi Materials U.S.A. 817-539-2500 drillking.com Drill King International 785-825-1842 geoprobe.com 802-626-5302 alleghenyinstruments.com bitcoinc.us 661-834-4348 baski.com 303-789-1200 270-533-6378 givensinternational.com 905-628-4999 heroninstruments.com Bit Brokers International 618-435-5811 bitbrokers.com 888-363-9434 csiwater.com worldwidedrillingresource.com 850-547-0102 541-935-5054 drilling.com 302 edmmfg.com 800-233-0173 407-574-4001 shaktipumps.us Armstrong Machine Co., Inc. 712-335-4131 armstrongmachine.com 435-259-7763 moabbit.com 631 205 702 712 611 512 407 209 309 111 101 301 1029 931 1130 1101 1119 1301 1325 1409 1504 225 324 573 363 285 757 481 601 1023
April (continued) 4/14-4/18 No-Dig Show Providence RI 4/15-4/17 Society for Mining's Minnesota Section Conf. Virginia MN 4/16-4/18 World Future Energy Summit Abu Dhabi UAE 4/17-4/19 Best in the West Drill & Blast Conf. Spearfish SD 4/23-4/25 Global Geothermal Summit The Hauge NETHERLANDS 4/23-4/25 M&T Expo (Latin America Const. & Mining) São Paulo BRAZIL 4/24-4/26 Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum Miami FL 4/24-4/27 INTERMAT Paris FRANCE 4/29-5/2 SEDC (Shallow Exploration Drillers) Branson MO May 5/1-5/3 PNWA-AWWA Section Conference Spokane WA 5/6-5/9 Offshore Technology Conference Houston TX 5/7-5/9 Assn. California Water Agencies Conf. & Expo Sacramento CA 5/7-5/9 International Mining Geology Conference Perth AUSTRALIA 5/7-5/10 IFCEE (Foundations Congress) Dallas TX 5/8-5/9 Vermont Rural Water Assn. Conference Fairlee VT 5/12-5/15 Canadian Institute of Mining Conv. Vancouver BC CANADA 5/18-5/24 World Water Forum Bali INDONESIA 5/20-5/20 New York Rural Water Assn. Conference Verona NY 5/28-5/30 Conf. on Foundation Decarbonization Amsterdam NETHERLANDS 5/28-5/30 Iceland Geothermal Conference Reykjavik ICELAND 5/28-5/30 IGSHPA Research Conference Montreal QC CANADA 5/29-5/31 FGWA Convention Omni - Kissimmee VL June 6/3-6/6 Exponor Antofagasta CHILE 6/5-6/7 Canadian Society Civil Eng. Conf. Niagara Falls ON CANADA 6/6-6/7 Elko Mining Expo Elko NV 6/10-6/13 American Water Works Assn. Conference Anaheim CA 6/12-6/14 Deep Foundations Institute SuperPile San Francisco CA 6/18-6/19 Int'l Assn. Drilling Contractors World Drilling Madrid SPAIN 6/25-6/27 Hillhead (Quarrying, Construction) Buxton UK 6/26-6/27 Trenchless Asia Manila PHILIPPINES 6/27-6/28 Victorian Minerals Round-up Soldiers Hill VIC AUSTRALIA 6/30-7/4 Nigerian Oil & Gas Energy Week Abuja NIGERIA July 7/10-7/11 AGWT's New Mexico Groundwater Conf. Albuquerque NM 7/23-7/25 Queensland Mining Expo Mackay QLD AUSTRALIA 7/27-7/29 South Atlantic JUBILEE Myrtle Beach SC August 8/11-8/15 International Mine Ventilation Congress Sydney AUSTRALIA 8/20-8/22 The Water Expo Miami FL 8/20-8/22 The Energy Expo Miami FL September 9/2-9/6 Electra Mining Africa Johannesburg SO. AFRICA 9/24-9/26 International Pipeline Expo Calgary AB CANADA 9/24-9/26 MINExpo INTERNATIONAL Las Vegas NV 9/25-9/27 National Drilling Association Convention Aurora OH October 10/1-10/3 No-Dig Live Warwickshire UK 10/7-10/10 Conference on Deep Foundations Aurora CO November 11/14-11/15 IADC Annual General Meeting San Antonio TX December 12/10-12/14 Groundwater Week Las Vegas NV 2024 Event Listings LOCATION January 1/3-1/5 Colorado Water Well Contractors Assn. Westminster CO 1/3-1/5 Utah Ground Water Assn. Mesquite, NV 1/9-1/10 Louisiana Ground Water Assn. Marksville LA 1/10-1/11 Oklahoma Ground Water Assn. Conf. Stillwater OK 1/16-1/17 ESWWDA Annual Meeting Verona NY 1/16-1/18 Associated Equip. Dist. (AED) Summit Las Vegas NV 1/17-1/19 Kansas Ground Water Assn. Mulvane KS 1/22-1/24 Assn. for Mineral Exploration Roundup Vancouver BC CANADA 1/23-1/24 AGWT's Florida Groundwater Conference Orlando FL 1/23-1/25 World of Concrete Las Vegas NV 1/23-1/25 TGWA SanMarcos TX 1/23-1/28 ISEE Savannah GA 1/24-1/27 WWET (Water, Wastewater) Indianapolis IN 1/25-1/26 Iowa Water Well Assn. Convention Altoona IA 1/25-1/26 North Carolina Ground Water Assn. Greensboro NC 1/25-1/26 Pennsylvania Ground Water Assn. Conf. Grantville PA 1/28-1/31 Minnesota Water Well Convention Alexandria MN 1/29-2/1 Nevada Water Resources Assn. Conf. Las Vegas NV 1/31-2/2 Montana Water Well Drillers Assn. Conv. Fairmont MT February 2/5-2/8 Investing in African Mining Indaba Cape Town SO. AFRICA 2/6-2/7 Int'l Assn. Drilling Contractors HSE & Training Houston TX 2/6-2/7 California AGWT-AGWA Groundwater Conf. Ontario CA 2/6-2/8 Society of Petroleum Eng Hyd Fractring Conf The Woodlands TX 2/7 Underground Const George A Fox Conf. New York NY 2/7-2/8 Energy Exposition Las Vegas NV 2/7-2/8 Int'l Assn. Drilling Contractors Caspian Conf. Baku AZERBAIJAN 2/7-2/8 The Coal Institute Spring Meeting New Orleans LA 2/7-2/9 Maryland Delaware Water Well Assn. Annapolis MD 2/8-2/9 Mountain States Ground Water Expo Laughlin NV 2/12-2/14 Sanford Geothermal Workshop Stanford CA 2/15-2/16 Illinois Assn. of Groundwater Prof. East Peoria IL 2/20-2/21 Int'l Assn. Drilling Contractors Africa Conf. Windhoek NAMIBIA 2/21-2/22 Virginia Water Well Assn. Conference Richmond/Midlothian VA 2/25-2/28 Geo-Congress Vancouver BC CANADA 2/25-2/28 Society for Mining's MINEXCHANGE Phoenix AZ 2/26 Louisiana Oil & Gas Assn. Meeting Lake Charles LA 2/26-2/28 Iowa Geothermal Assn. Conference Cedar Rapids IA 2/26-3/1 Rural Water Assn. of Utah Conference St. George UT 2/29-3/1 GeoTHERM Expo & Congress Offenburg GERMANY 2/29-3/3 Tennessee Water Well Assn. Gatlinburg TN March 3/3-3/6 Prospectors & Developers Assn. Conv. Toronto ON CANADA 3/5-3/7 IADA/SPE Int'l Drilling Conferecne & Exh. Galveston TX 3/7-3/8 Kentucky Ground Water Assn. Convention Louisville KY 3/8-3/9 New England Water Well Assn. Marlborough MA 3/10-3/13 Alabama Rural Water Assn. Tech Train Conf. Montgomery AL 3/10-3/13 Annual WateReuse Symposium Denver CO 3/15-3/16 Pacific NW Ground Water Expo Vancouver WA 3/18-3/19 AGWT's Northwest Groundwater Conf. Pasco WA 3/18-3/20 Illinois Wastewater Professionals Conference East Peoria IL 3/19-3/21 (UIC) Underground Infrastructure Conference Oklahoma City, OK 3/19-3/22 Associated General Contractors Convention San Diego CA 3/21-3/24 Ontario Ground Water Assn. Meeting Ottawa ON CANADA 3/26-3/29 Wisconsin Rural Water Assn. Conference La Crosse WI April 4/8-4/11 Pipeline Technology Conference Berlin GERMANY 4/9-4/12 Texas Water Fort Worth TX 4/14-4/18 Common Ground Alliance Conf./Expo Colorado Springs CO WorldWide Drilling Resource® 2024 Tentative Schedule of Events
WWDR Team President - CEO - Managing Publisher: Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones ronnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Office Administrator: Michele Stevens michele@worldwidedrillingresource.com Representative: Marie Cunningham marie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Public Relations Professional/Classified: Linda Peterson linda@worldwidedrillingresource.com Editor: Bonnie Love bonnie@worldwidedrillingresource.com Public Relations Professional: Sheryl Kevilly sheryl@worldwidedrillingresource.com Vice President: Troy S. Cunningham troy@worldwidedrillingresource.com Phone: 850-547-0102 Fax 850-547-0329 Mailing: PO Box 660, Bonifay FL 32425-0660 (Physical: 3089 Northride Lane, Bonifay FL 32425) worldwidedrillingresource.com Copyright 2024, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. Office Clerk: Sophia Henline sophia@worldwidedrillingresource.com Public Relations Professional/Display: Mary Lynn Mixson marylynn@worldwidedrillingresource.com